7 comments on “First light FSQ-106N – Veil nebula portion bicolor

  1. I do have one more question if you dont mind
    I have seen some documentaries about dark matter
    They say dark matter is inside galaxies right?And dark energy is the stuff that moves galaxies in the universe
    And i have heard that dark matter keeps all the galaxy together,it keeps the stars inside the galaxy right?I guess thats what they want to tell
    But the stars are not hold in the galaxy because of the core of the galaxy?Because there is millions of stars inside that core and the gravitational force of those stars keeps the other ones like our sun in the galaxy
    Thanks and i hope i was clear,because my english is a bit broken

    • Thanks for the kind words! I hope that you have an opportunity to visit that observatory and experience their equipment.

      Regarding dark matter: I’m no physicist but your description is about right. We can intuit the quantity of matter by observing its effects and yes, the matter we can see has the effects you describe. The effects, however, are far greater than the matter we can see would account for. The best explanation for this larger effect appears to be large quantities of additional matter of some other form.

      • Understood
        I think the best way is to research more about dark matter
        Thanks one more time,and wish you clear skies
        And please keep show us more images,i know we have the Hubble ones to see,but in my oppinion coming from you is like we took them with our telescopes…it feels real,or something like that

    • The image was captured through narrowband filters. One selected the H-a line, which is in the red portion of the spectrum. The other sekected the OIII line, which is just between the blue and green portions – call it teal. These were aszembled into an image by assigning the H-a data as red and the OIII data was used for both green and blue. This resulted in a natural color image. You can tell because the things that are red show as red, the things that are teal show as teal, and the white stars appear white.

      If you look at this object through a telescope you won’t se a color image, but that’s because our eyes can’t see color well when dark adapted. If our vision displayed colors properly in dim light this is what you would see.

      • Thanks very much for your answer
        As i said in another comment,im just new in astronomy and i dont know to many yet
        Thank you for your time
        And nice work with your Meade,by the way i have seen the price..
        Where i live (Romania,Europe)in the capital city at the observatory the biggest telescope is a Meade LX200,so i can even have a chance to see through a telescope like yours:))how about buying it 🙂
        Very nice images
        Thank you

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