4 comments on “Happy New Year!

    • Hi, Eduard.

      Thanks for the kind words. I’m not much of a planetary imager; with the miserable seeing we have here, deep space imaging is more productive. You can see my only Jupiter image from 2014 here: https://www.lx-850.com/?p=361 . It’s pretty sad compared to those acquired by the more skilled planetary imagers!

      • I have seen before the jupiter image before,and i dont think it looks bad at all.But in that link they say that the shadows of the moons create some nice views,thats why i was curious
        I understand that is not easy to capture planets,i think because they move fast beeing so close to the earth,and you cant get them right
        I have seen Pluto by Hubble
        Looks like a joke to me :))
        But i understand that not even hubble can get a clear image of it,being so small and far away
        We’ll see what new Horizons brings in a few months
        Get well and keep us updated 🙂
        Thank you

        • The apparent motion caused by the movement of the planets themselves is known as “proper motion”. to distinguish it from the apparent motion of all astronomical objects caused by the Earth’s rotation. It doesn’t really affect tracking very much; the motion of Jupiter compared to that of the background stars is slow. Normal sidereal tracking (which compensates for the rotation effect) is plenty close enough to keep Jupiter centered during a capture sequence. Obtaining great Jupiter photos is a combination of skill, aperture, and stable atmosphere. Some amateurs consistently excell at this. One of the very best is Christopher Go. His Jupiter images make mine look silly!


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