I know it’s been since the end of August that I made it out to the observatory. I figured I had better post something to explain that there are no equipment problems. It’s just a matter of time and weather. I won’t be out there this month, either, but I plan to be more active in December and in the coming year.
I’ll be busy for the next week getting ready for an outreach trip that will use up the rest of the month. I will be aboard the MSC Divina for a week’s duty as guest astronomy lecturer. It’s been a couple of years since I last did this so I’m looking forward to it. It will be my first gig with MSC (though I’ve been on their Poesia as a passenger). I’ve worked previously with Norwegian and many times with Princess. It lets me combine two favorite activities – and it gives me an excuse to cruise more frequently than my usual once per year.
For a very weak link to this site’s usual topic, I’ll be bringing along a Meade/Coronado PST so I can expose the passengers to some narrowband solar observing. I took one on the last trip and folks seemed to enjoy it.